Homemade Caramel Cake


+Cake Ingredients:
• 2 + 1/2 C.F All-purpose flour sifter, which I sifted before using.
• 1/4 teaspoon sea salt.
• 2 degrees Celsius regular sugar.
• 2 sticks of unsalted butter.
• 1 degree Celsius water.
• 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
• 1/2 degree Celsius of curd.
• 2 large whole eggs.
• 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Frozen Ingredients:
• 3°C granulated sugar.
• About 1/2°C of melted butter.
• 1°C heavy cream.
• Pinch of sea salt.
• 2 tsp vanilla extract.
*How to make :
• Step 1 – Prepare two 9-inch cake pans by brushing them with butter and sprinkling some flour.
• Step 2 – In a large mixing bowl, sift 2 cups + 2 tons of flour with sea salt.
Add sugar and mix until combined.
• Step 3 – In a medium saucepan, mix the butter with the water.
Let it boil, then add flour and sugar on top. Whisk before blending.
• Step Four: Add the baking soda, curd, vanilla extract, and eggs and whisk until smooth and well incorporated.
• Step 5 – Pour the mixture into the baking trays.
• Step 6 – Bake for 25 minutes, and after about 15 minutes, check the cake.
When the tester comes out clean, the cake is done, just be careful not to overcook.
• Step 7 – Remove the utensils from the oven and leave for thirty minutes to cool on a wire rack, then switch layers on the parchment-filled racks until completely cool. 
How to make magic caramel frosting:
• Step 1- Put 2 1/2 cups of granulated sugar, butter, cream, and sprinkle of salt in a large saucepan.
• Step 2 – Bring to a boil over low heat, then pour your syrup into another pan.
• Step 3 – Meanwhile, add ½ cup of sugar in a small saucepan and melt it over medium heat until it becomes amber in colour.
This sugar is not stirred, so every few minutes you will need to rotate the pan to help spread the sugar.
This is the sugar syrup that you will add to the casserole.
• Step 4 – Cook over medium to medium-high heat while blending the syrup, stirring constantly, until approximately the level of a soft ball.
• Step 5 – Remove from heat, stir in vanilla extract, and cool for 15 minutes or so.
• Step 6 – Either alternate and beat on medium speed of a large stand mixer or use a hand mixer on medium and beat until frothy, about 20 minutes.
Note: You should add a little more cream if the garnish becomes too quick or too thick.
Enjoy !

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