Won’t you believe what will happen if you spray your bed with Alcohol ?


If you have bed bugs, you can now destroy them easily with rubbing alcohol. Just spray the mattress and pillows and after a few times your bed will be completely free of these insects.
*It can also be for many other purpose such as:
Skin Cleanser
Acne cosmetics usually contain benzyl peroxide. However, rub alcohol has anti-inflammatory impacts that soothe affect skin, clear pimples, also prevent acne breakouts. Just put it on the affected area.
Cold sore treatment
Approximately 85% of the world’s population is infected with the herpes virus, but only some feel relief. If you are one of those, apply 70% isopropyl alcohol to the affected area, and watch for positive results!
deodorant alternative
You can use alcohol as an alternative to deodorant. Just rub a little on your armpits, but be careful not to rub for too long so as not to irritate your skin.
Excess hair removal
After shaving, apply a little rubbing alcohol to your armpits and bikini area, remove ingrown hairs and treat irritation.
cold package
Mix water and alcohol in a 2:1 ratio and place in a resealable plastic bag in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then use it as an ice pack, or chill your meals when you’re outside.
Remove nail polish
it is easy. Do not use chemicals that can harm your nails, but rub them with alcohol and replace the chemical acetone.
clean your ears
Don’t use cotton swabs to clean the ear, it may seem to clean the ear completely, but it actually pushes the earwax deeper into the canal. So, you can mix rubbing alcohol with white vinegar, soak a cotton swab in this mixture, then put it in your ears and the earwax will come out on its own. Lavender oil. Spray this mixture on the scalp and comb the hair to get rid of dead lice. Aloe vera gel to make a lotion.

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